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Children's Vision

Support your child's development with healthy vision. We recommend every child has their eyes checked before starting school, or earlier should you suspect any abnormalities.​

As children only know the world that they perceive, often they are unaware when their vision is not developing normally. Regular eye checks can help to detect any abnormalities early so that they do not impede on your child's growth and learning.

Some treatments can also help to prevent the eyes from continuing to worsen. Click on Orthokeratology or Myopia Control to learn more.

A routine visit will assess:

  • general vision
  • binocular visual function and coordination
  • muscle function
  • colour vision
  • eye health

Issues like strabismus (eye turn/squint), amblyopia (lazy eye) and any hereditary conditions can be easily identified during the initial visit.

As the eyes and vision are still developing throughout the school years, we recommend children and adolescence have their eyes checked annually during this time.

It is important not to miss the limited time we have to ensure vision develops to its full potential.


Currently open by appointment only

Tuesday | Wednesday | Friday | Saturday
10:00am - 4:00pm

90b Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082

Ph (08) 8427 1868

Fax (08) 7200 7728

Email hello@wellnesseyecare.com