COVID-19 Practice Update

We are closely monitoring the latest information and have made some changes to the way that we operate.

This is a very trying time for all of us, and our thoughts go out to all who are facing health, financial and business uncertainties at this time. We acknowledge that this is currently a very critical period for South Australia in blocking the transmission of COVID-19, and we recognise our responsibility to protect both our patients and our local community.

For these reasons we will be introducing the following changes to the way that we operate:

We will be open by appointment only. 
This includes non-clinical visits like browsing, payment and collections. This will allow us to screen everybody that is entering the practice, and turn away anyone who is identified as a possible risk to others. This also allows us to control traffic numbers through the practice, hence helping to reduce community transmission.

We have combined telehealth with face to face consultations and will limit contact time where we can.

We will restrict appointments to 30 minutes in duration. 
We are aware that transmission is more likely in small confined spaces. Any double appointments will be spaced across multiple visits.

We will not accept cash payments until further notice.

We ask that you please hold on to your contact lenses for recycling until further notice.

We will be adhering to a strict disinfection regime that includes hand washing and disinfection of all surfaces, frames and equipment after each visitor.

Our restroom will be temporarily unavailable.
There have been cases of COVID-19 spreading through aerosol means from faeces. As we do not have the means to limit this form of transmission, we ask that you please use public toilet facilities nearby, or plan ahead before leaving home.

All visitors will have their temperatures screened upon entry. We have implemented face shields on all of our equipment that involves a close working distance, and are using face masks to help limit transmission.

We are taking the recommendation of social distancing very seriously. Whilst older people are vulnerable to succumbing to this virus, it is important to realise that people of all ages have required intensive care admission, and have also unfortunately suffered fatalities. Whilst the virus is mild for most, the main concern is the dire consequences of an overloaded hospital system where people cannot access intensive care services when they are required. Social distancing is the key to reducing transmission rates and eventual hospital loads, and we are currently at a very critical point to act now.

We support maximum social distancing at this stage and will support those patients who wish to defer their appointments for this reason. As this period is likely to persist for at least 3-6 months, we do ask that those who have an ongoing condition that is being monitored, for example glaucoma, high pressures, suspect glaucoma, uveitis or any other active eye condition under treatment, to please maintain your regular appointments as not doing so may lead to serious vision loss. This can be very detrimental to future outcomes. If you are unsure whether your regular appointment is a high priority, please contact us to clarify.

Our current situation is unpredictable and unknown, and we acknowledge that in the near future there may be delays or difficulties sourcing some of our products. These include contact lenses, spectacle lenses and frames. We ask that you please seriously consider whether your current supply of lenses is sufficient in the event that stock is unavailable for 3-6 months. We also ask that you please consider whether your current spare glasses or rigid lenses are sufficient, and if not, to make arrangements for a pair in the unfortunate event that your glasses or rigid lenses were to break when supplies and/or services are down.
We recommend that you do this sooner rather than later.

What can you do to help us and your local community?

Take note that a red eye (conjunctivitis without discharge) has been reported as a symptom of coronavirus, and may sometimes be the first sign.
If you are experiencing a red eye, please isolate yourself from others, and contact us so that we may provide you with advice. We are offering appointments via teleconferencing for those who are unable to attend the clinic personally but require urgent advice.

Please stay at home and self isolate if you are experiencing a fever, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties. Other early symptoms to watch for are chills, body aches, headache and runny nose, muscle pain or diarrhoea. There is a helpful flowchart at the end of this email of what to do if you are not feeling well.

Minimise your contact with other people, regularly wash your hands with soap and wear a mask if you have access to one. The following video demonstrates how to wash your hands and wear a mask effectively.

The following explains why simple soap is effective in killing coronavirus.

Stay up to date and take care
We recommend the following resources:

We ask for your patience and understanding during this difficult time – and for your continued support.

I urge you all to take the precautions that you can, and to please check our facebook page for future updates. This will be a challenging time and I encourage everybody to please support those around you where and when you can.

With Warm Regards
Lisa Ho
Therapeutic & CASA Credentialed Optometrist
Optometry Australia State Advisory Committee Member
SA State President of the Cornea and Contact Lens Society of Australia


Currently open by appointment only

Tuesday | Wednesday | Friday | Saturday
10:00am - 4:00pm

90b Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082

Ph (08) 8427 1868

Fax (08) 7200 7728
